Spring is coming. Spring will arrive.
One terrible moment is not the center of everything. Nor is it the end of everything.
The undeniable promise remains that the world will bloom once more, whether we are around to witness it or not.
Darkness may blanket the earth in a cold unyielding silence, but beneath it the seeds are already stirring, the roots are already reaching.
Nature is gathering the quiet strength to begin anew.
The Spring thaw starts not with fanfare, but in the smallest signs—
a faint warmth creeping through the chill,
the soft drip of melting icicles,
the first tentative bud poking its nose through the frozen soil.
The earth itself will slowly shake off the weight of winter's cold hard grip, breathing in the air of possibility once again.
Winter may try to resist it, but it cannot last forever.
Because Spring's quiet persistence is a force of its own.
Spring always comes—softly at first, then with a rush, reminding us that even after the harshest of winters, renewal is always within reach.
There is always another beginning, always another chance to grow, to breathe, and to live again
Let us carry the memory of the seasons and the cycles into the hard times, and know that Spring is coming. Because Spring always comes.
Spring is the fifth installment in the five part Sacred Ground video series.
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